The Tele-Abortion Process
You read through all the info about medical abortion by tele-medicine to ensure that it is the right option for you and we recommend that you complete the suitability checklist. If all ok...
Make a Booking
You make a booking online, for your first consultation. You will receive an email confirmation including a link to your video appointment. You will also receive a link via SMS to complete the payment prior to your appointment.
First Consultation
You connect to your TeleAbortion consultant via a link in the email we sent you. Your first consultation will take approx 30 minutes
Test Request
We send you your ultrasound request and will also give you access to your secure online TeleAbortion Consulting Room.
Medication Sent
Your medication prescriptions are sent to you via e-prescription and you collect in person from a pharmacy who can dispense OR we can organise a courier (additional $30 fee). Medications are an additional cost to you.
2nd Consultation
You click on the link in your confirmation email to attend your second consultation online, which will take approx 30 mins.
Schedule & Pay
You'll receive a SMS with a payment link to pay the $330 ($82 Medicare rebate) consultation fee. Once payment is received, we will arrange your 2nd appointment.

You arrange for and get your ultrasound done locally. You should be 6 weeks pregnant before doing the scan. We'll invite you to make your second appointment once we've received your results.
First Tablet
You take the first tablet (1st Step) which stops the pregnancy. You wait 24-48 hours for this medication to take effect before taking the second medication.
2nd Tablets
You take 4 tablets (2nd Step), which will induce a miscarriage. You will have cramping, pain & bleeding for approx 6hrs. Bleeding may continue for 2-3 weeks
Final Consultation
One week later, we'll contact you via SMS to make sure that all is well following the procedure.
Home Test

4 weeks later, you do a home (urine) pregnancy test to ensure that the procedure was successful.
Note: There can be issues that may arise throughout this process, which could mean that your procedure won't go exactly as laid out here. All known potential risks are described in the information that you must read before committing to Medical Abortion via Tele-Health.
How long does it take?
It is possible to complete the medical termination process within a few days but this will be dependent upon how quickly you will be able to get your required ultrasound scan done locally.
It is important that we have the test results before we can prescribe the medication. It is your responsibility to arrange to have the scan promptly. Once we have the results of the tests, we can proceed with the prescribing process.
Women undergoing medical termination of pregnancy must have an intrauterine pregnancy of under 63 days so if there is a delay getting the scan, and you are over 63 days gestation by the time the second consultation occurs, then you will need to seek a surgical abortion with a local provider instead.
The Tele-Abortion process in detail...
1. Understanding & Suitability
It is important that you read through the information on this website so that you fully understand what medical abortion and tele-abortion is and what it means for you.
If you decide to go ahead with a tele-abortion, we recommend that you first complete a Suitability Checklist to ensure that you are suitable for this method of abortion. There are rules we must follow to ensure your safety.
If you are not suitable for tele-abortion, and you live in the Sydney region, we can assist you with an 'in-clinic' appointment for medical or surgical abortion. Visit our Clinic 66 website for more information.

2. Schedule your first consultation
Click the 'Book an Appointment' button at the top of your screen to book an appointment with one of our tele-abortion consultants (a doctor or nurse specially trained in abortion care) at a time that suits you within our availability.
Your first consultation will be a private fee of $100. Medicare card holders will receive an approximate $82 rebate. (This appointment will be bulk billed for Health Card Card holders and 16-18yr olds.) Payment is required prior to your appointment.
You will receive a confirmation email which includes a link to your online tele-health appointment. Please be somewhere quiet, private and with good wifi or phone reception .
3. First Consultation - Initial assessment
At the time and date you booked, click on the link in your email to meet with your Tele-Abortion consultant (we recommend that you connect at least 5 minutes before the scheduled appointment to avoid any delays). Your consultant will review and assess your situation and confirm the next steps. This will be a great opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have about the tele-abortion process.
4. We give you your ultrasound scan request
Following your first appointment, we will send you an ultrasound scan request form. Your scan will be done at a facility of your choice, close to your home or work. You should be at least 6 weeks from your last menstrual period before doing the scan. If you are too early and the scan is not clear, then your medical abortion will be delayed and more tests required before we can continue.
This scan will ensure that you are suitable for medical termination of pregnancy, confirm your gestation, and provide a baseline so that we can best manage your personal journey through the medical abortion.
5. You get your ultrasound done locally
You arrange for and get your ultrasound done locally. This scan is often bulk billed with a Medicare card, and we request this on your behalf, but prices will vary according to your local providers, and you may need to pay separately for the scan.
Important Note: It is critical that you get the scan done at about 6 weeks from last menstrual period, not before. If you are not sure of your dates, you can get it done as soon as you are able. We must have the results before we can prescribe the medication. If the scan shows your pregnancy is beyond 9 weeks (63 days) gestation, you will need to have a surgical abortion. If your pregnancy is too early, then you will need to do more tests eg blood test and /or additional ultrasound scan before we can continue with prescribing.
Whilst we understand that you want to "get on with it", we advise you not to get the scan too early to avoid the inconvenience and expense of getting extra tests.
Let us know when and where you have had the scan, and we will chase the results, so we can get back to you ASAP about next steps.
6. Scan results reviewed and book the second consultation
When we receive your scan results to confirm your suitability, we will notify and invite you to schedule your second consultation. You will be need to pay the $330 consultation fee ($82 Medicare rebate) prior to your appointment. This fee covers the medical abortion consultations only. (Excludes cost of medication and ultrasound).
After you have paid, you will receive a confirmation email which includes a link to your second online tele-health appointment.
If there are any issues with your test results which prevent you from continuing with the tele-abortion, we will guide you on your alternative options. If you have a pregnancy of uncertain status, or a very early pregnancy, you will be advised on next steps which may mean serial blood tests to check hormone levels, or an additional scan.
7. Second consultation
At the time and date that you have booked, click on the link in your confirmation email to access your tele-health consultation. Please be somewhere quiet, private and with good wifi or phone reception .
During this 20-30 minute consultation, you will be assessed based on all the information provided during your first consultation, along with the test results. We will also take you through what you can expect and how best to prepare for the tele-abortion process, and what to do if you are worried or have complications.
We'll also prescribe any additional medications which may be required before, during or after the medical abortion process eg pain killers, anti nausea pills, contraception.
8. Prescriptions sent to you or the dispensing pharmacist, or have them delivered by courier to your home/work.
You can choose how you receive your medications. You can either have a courier deliver it to you or a named contact (additional $30 fee) or an e-prescription will be sent to you via SMS or email. The important thing is that we get the medication to you asap. You are the best person to decide whether to collect your medications in person or get them couriered to you.
You are responsible for the cost of all medications, including medical abortion pills, and any other medications such as pain relief and anti-nausea tablets. If you do not have a Medicare card, you will not receive a PBS benefit for the medical abortion pills, though your private health insurance may cover costs depending on your policy.
9. You take the first tablet
There are two differerent types of tablets that are taken separately (24- 48 hrs apart), and together they make up the medical abortion medication (which is why it is called 'Two Step')
The first step is a single tablet. This blocks the effects of progesterone; a hormone needed for a pregnancy to continue. Some people feel nauseous or start bleeding after taking it, but not always. After taking the first step, the medical abortion process has commenced and needs to be completed with the second step, which will induce a miscarriage.
10. You take the second tablets
The second step consists of four tablets, which need to be taken between 24 and 48 hours after the first step. Take them all at once, by letting them dissolve in your mouth (in your cheeks and under your tongue). These tablets cause the cervix to soften and the uterus to contract, essentially inducing a miscarriage.
You should expect cramping (which may be severe) for about 6 hours, bleeding and passage of tissue. It is important that you are at home or somewhere safe and comfortable, and you should have 'nothing else to do' (including looking after children) for the whole day when you are having the miscarriage.
Your consultant will guide you on how and when to take the tablets. Ideally, these tablets should be taken in the morning, allowing the medical abortion process to occur throughout the day.
In about 95% of cases, medical abortion is a straightforward process and safely completes the pregnancy termination.
Pain does not usually continue beyond 6 hours after the second step, though bleeding may continue for three weeks.
11. Follow up (Check-in)
One week after your medical termination, you will receive a check-in message via SMS.
Of course, if you experience any complications, or are feeling unwell at all following the procedure, we encourage you to get in touch with us earlier via SMS (0428 329 287).
All follow-up appointments, including those for complications, are Medicare bulk-billed. For non-Medicare card holders, there will be a fee of $40.
12. At home (urinary) pregnacy test
Four weeks after your medical termination, you do a urinary pregnancy test at home to confirm that all is complete.